Birthday……..anniversary………all rolled into one amazing week. This is definitely the time of year where I try my hardest to not worry about what I know regarding sugar, artificial colors and the not so healthy fats and allow myself the fun found in my most favorite cake ever, wedding cake from Swiss Confectionery here in New Orleans. Besides being the best cake ever, I make it even more fun by having it decorated in ballet pink all over and accented with Barbie pink! Love! It is a week filled with decadent dinners and scrumptious desserts. We all need to allow ourselves these yummy times and hopefully be in touch enough with our bodies to notice, “Hey, this was really fun, having these foods I don’t typically eat. But, you know what……..I like the way I feel eating clean and healthy. Having this awareness of being in tune enough with your body to feel the difference in how the indulgent foods make you feel compared with how clean, whole foods make you feel is key in motivating you to stick with those healthier habits.
Pink cake and pink decorations, I’ve enjoyed every second to it’s fullest, but I couldn’t wait to wake up to an energizing green smoothie this morning! Remember, self-love comes in many different forms from giving your body the most nourishing foods every day to celebrating your special days in whatever way that makes you smile. xxo